
The Dark Deck

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viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

Durant is back! – SF – Deck

Hello everybody! I am Perupopo, and today I am going to make my fourth entry to this blog, yesterday the B & W: Dragon Exalted set was released and in two weeks the HGSS set will be banned, so a lot of decks would be stronger and others would be weak. A deck that everybody thought that would be weak was Durant because of the ban of some cards like Special Metal Energy, Pichu and POTM. Also with the apparition of Heatmor in B & W: Dark Explorers a lot of people (including me) thought that this deck would disappear, but when I saw the B & W: Dragon Exalted Trainer Scans soon I realized that this deck would be very good again, so like a week ago I print some of the cards of this set, like Giant Cape (20HP+) and Rescue Scarf (Almost the same than Special Metal Energy) and I started testing this deck, let me tell you that this deck is very good again and until now, the prices are as cheap as they used to be the last week.


In the Pokémon TCG current format exist two ways to win a game, taking the six prices or making your opponent deck out.
This deck makes you win by making your opponent losing all the cars in his or her deck.
This deck only uses one Pokémon, Durant, this ant devours the opponent deck, every turn depending in the quantity of Durants in play you made your opponent discard one card from his deck for each Durant in play.
This attack only uses one metal energy, so you don't need a lot of energy cards, and with that space you will put a lot of trainers that give you turns to Devour and to protect your little Durants.
If you got 4 Durants in T1 would be very difficult to lose the game.
I like to play this deck with Hammers, so you won't let your opponent play, also with 4x Catcher so you would have a lot of turns to attack and make your opponent deck out.



Deck List:
Pokémon (4)

4x Durant (Noble Victories)

Energy (8)

8x Metal Energy 

Trainer (48)

4x Pokémon Catcher
4x Level Ball
4x Eviolite
2x Giant Cape
4x Rescue Scarf
4x Revive
2x Energy Retrieval
4x Cheren
3x N
4x Crushing Hammer
4x Professor Juniper
2x Enhanced Hammer
2x Switch
4x Recycle
1x Super Scoop Up


If you get 4 Durants in T1 or T2 is almost impossible to lose.
Cheap deck. (For now)
Can win against every Stage-2 deck.
Can break almost every strategy because you make your opponent discard from his deck.
It is a very funny deck.


If one or more of your Durants is in the Prize Cards the game would be very difficult to win.
You will lose against almost every Fast Item Lock decks, like Gothitelle.
Very difficult to play.
You have to be very fast while playing it.
Exists one card that kills this deck, Heatmor, the ant eater.


That's all for today, I hope you liked it. Cya!

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